Branson Archives - Hunters Friend Resort Family resoirt located on Indian Point in Branson, Missouri. Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:43:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Branson Archives - Hunters Friend Resort 32 32 EV Chargers In Branson Tue, 28 Feb 2023 13:05:21 +0000 The post EV Chargers In Branson appeared first on Hunters Friend Resort.

This post will give a thorough overview on charging facilities for electric vehicles in Branson. Our goal is to supply you with insightful information that will assist you in comprehending the current situation of EV charging in Branson and where the finest charging stations are located.

The Increasing Popularity of Electric Cars in Branson

Electric vehicles are gaining popularity in Branson, as they are in many other cities across the globe. EVs are becoming a more practical choice for individuals seeking an eco-friendly method of transportation as a result of the introduction of new technologies and the improvement of battery life.

Branson’s Need for Charging Stations

Although the advent of electric vehicles is a welcome trend, it has generated a demand for additional charging stations in Branson. This is because EVs require frequent recharging, and without sufficient charging stations, EV users may find it difficult to drive over large distances or even inside the city.  

Where to Locate Charging Facilities for Electric Vehicles in Branson

There are various locations in Branson where charging facilities for electric vehicles may be found. These are some of the most common options: Hunter’s Friend Resort  Branson Landing Tanger Outlet Mall Best Western On The Strip Each of these places has charging stations for electric vehicle users, making it simpler for them to travel and enjoy everything that Branson has to offer. At Hunter’s Friend Resort, there are four level 2 charging stations where guests may charge their electric vehicles for free.

The Advantages of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles in Branson

In addition to providing EV owners with a location to charge their vehicles, having more charging stations in Branson has a number of other advantages. They consist of: Reduced Carbon Emissions: By encouraging the usage of electric cars, Branson can contribute to a healthier environment and lower its carbon footprint. Electric cars create fewer pollution than their gasoline-powered equivalents, so contributing to an improvement in the city’s air quality. By promoting the usage of electric vehicles and increasing the number of charging stations, Branson may attract eco-conscious visitors and companies, resulting in greater income and economic expansion. Conclusion In conclusion, Branson is taking steps toward a more ecologically friendly future by increasing the number of charging stations for electric vehicles across the city. By using these charging stations, owners of electric vehicles may travel more conveniently and minimize carbon emissions, resulting in a better and healthier environment for everyone.

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The Ultimate Guide to Crappie Fishing on Table Rock Lake Tue, 28 Feb 2023 11:41:30 +0000 The post The Ultimate Guide to Crappie Fishing on Table Rock Lake appeared first on Hunters Friend Resort.

a man holding a crappie while sitting on a boat


Table Rock Lake is a popular spot for fishermen seeking a memorable fishing adventure. With a surface size of about 43,000 acres and more than 800 miles of coastline, Table Rock Lake provides several fishing options. The crappie is one of the most sought-after fish in Table Rock Lake. Crappie fishing can be both difficult and lucrative on Table Rock Lake. This article will give you with tactics and suggestions for catching crappie in Table Rock Lake.

When to Catch the Most Crappie at Table Rock Lake

March through May is the optimal time to capture crappie at Table Rock Lake. Around this period, crappie can be found in shallow, near-shore waters. These shallow waters are where they breed, making them simpler to catch. But, crappie can also be caught throughout the year in deeper waters.

Table Rock Lake Crappie Fishing Required Equipment

To catch crappie at Table Rock Lake, the following gear is required:

Crappie fishing calls for a lightweight or ultralight rod and reel. The rod should be between 6 and 7 feet in length, and the reel should have an effective drag.
For crappie fishing, a monofilament line weighing between 4 and 6 pounds is appropriate.
Hooks: Use size 4 or 6 hooks.
A little bobber will allow you to determine when a crappie has taken your bait.
Employ live baits like minnows or artificial baits such as jigs and spinners.

<h2>Methods for Crappie Fishing at Table Rock Lake</h2>

This strategy consists of floating your bait down the beach or close to brush piles. Employ a little weight to keep your bait near the bottom, then reel it in gently.
Vertical Jigging entails lowering your bait directly into the water column and bouncing it up and down. Use a tiny jig or spinnerbait for this method.
This approach employs many rods with live baits to cover a vast region. The fishing rods are placed in rod holders, and the boat is pushed carefully down the coastline.

How to Fish for Crappie in Table Rock Lake

The greatest places to catch crappie on Table Rock Lake are among brush piles, standing trees, and drops. The following are some of the greatest places to catch crappie in Table Rock Lake:

Cape Fair
Indian Point
Table Rock State Park

What is the crappie size restriction in Table Rock Lake? A: The crappie size restriction at Table Rock Lake is 10 inches.

What is the daily crappie limit in Table Rock Lake? A: The day limit per person for crappie in Table Rock Lake is 15.

A: A fishing license is required to fish in Table Rock Lake. A: Absolutely, all fisherman older than 16 must possess a valid fishing license.

Can my boat be charged at your resort? Sure, we have many charging stations to get your boat ready for the following day on the water.

Does your location have a fish cleaning station? A: Regrettably, we do not. The fish may be cleaned at Indian Point Marina.


Crappie fishing on Table Rock Lake may be enjoyable and profitable for fisherman of varying ability levels. Using the proper tools and methods,

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Less affordable lodging on Indian Point Sun, 21 Jun 2020 19:06:15 +0000 Affordable lodging on Indian Point is becoming harder to find now that one of the last reasonably priced resorts has sold to a developer

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 This week we learned that Golden Arrow Resort has sold and will no longer offer quaint cottages and cabins on Indian Point. From what we gather, the new owners will convert the existing resort into luxury condos and lodges keeping with the trend we have seen over the past 10 years and it got us to thinking; “How will blue collar families vacation in the future with nothing but $400 to $1200 a night lodges and condos taking over Indian Point?”

Indian Point has always been the place to stay on vacation going back for the past 50 years. Yes, there is Stormy Point, Nantucket (nothing like cookie cutter people stacked one on top of the other cramming to make your trip memorable…), Big Cedar, the strip and so on, but when it came to the hands down winner of the best in Branson – Indian Point ALWAYS won out. It simply was a no brainer to be honest. The traveler has Silver Dollar City located at the entrance and the marina at the end of Indian Point.

Situated perfectly between Branson and Branson West – Indian Point offers significantly more to the travelers than any other area in the Branson Tri Lakes area. To be honest it’s not even debatable. Considering that 25% of all tourists to Branson go to Silver Dollar City the proximity of the resorts on Indian Point made it a breeze to get into the park and immediately straight to the festivities. In fact, on busy days it is fairly common for tourists staying in Branson to waste upwards of 2 hours just fighting traffic jams while guests staying on Indian Point are already enjoying their day in the park.

Seriously, think about that for a second. Our guests will leave their rooms at 9 a.m. – in the parking lot by 9:10 a.m. – catch the next tram by 9:20 a.m. and playing by 9:30 a.m. for park opening. Tourists staying in Branson won’t even make it to the intersection at the IHOP before 9:30 a.m. and will spend the next 60-90 minutes fighting stop and go traffic, all while Indian Pointers are laughing, playing, partying and riding. 

Leaving the park is pretty much the same nightmare day after day. Ours are home 20 minutes after they leave the park. Guests staying off of Indian Point probably will make it back home before midnight (or maybe not…)

Indian Point also features the largest portion of Table Rock Lake. Yes, there are large areas by Kimberling City and yes the lake looks lovely over there – but there is nothing there!!! Trust me, I know what I am speaking about – my very own mother and father lived there for years. Great city, great people, zero anything else. The only “franchise” line anything there is a Subway sandwich shop as I recall and that’s it. I don’t believe there is even a restaurant of any measure. Just a very clean, quiet, polite city with nothing else to offer.

Same goes for Nantucket and Stormy Point. Located literally in the middle of nothing and built one on top of each other – I don’t know what to make of the community other than to say it would not interest me to pay such an astonishing amount of money and be so far removed from everything.

Even the Crown Jewel of Branson – Big Cedar – is located miles from anything, not to mention it requires 6 mortgages and 25 paychecks to stay and eat there…. which leads us back to the premise of this blog. 

When we moved here in 2003 it really caught my attention that one of the best qualities of Indian Point was its proximity to everything and affordability for blue collar families. Nowhere else in Branson could you find such a convenient location to the lake, the park, shopping, groceries, fuel – you name it – and still be able to leave without a huge hit on your credit card. It simply didn’t exist. 

We had the Wig Wam Resort – Rockwood – Wolf Ridge – Antlers – Uncle Johns – Golden Arrow – Hunter’s Friend – and DreamCatcher that were all highly affordable (kitchenettes under $100/night) and now we are down to 2. Hunter’s Friend and Marina Inn. 

All of the other resorts have sold and been converted to lodges and condos and charge astonishing amounts per night. It is true that these condos and lodges will sleep many more people and for some guests that is ideal for them. But for families who don’t want to stay with 23 other people in the same unit and can’t afford the extreme expense of a condo – where do they go? What if you are simply a husband/wife with a couple of small kids? Your choices are becoming more and more scarce by the year. Even an “affordable” condo on Indian Point now goes for $200/night and up.

The choices are growing slimmer by the day and the days of affordable nightly rentals on Indian Point are becoming fewer and further between. They can either book with us and stay in a marvelous kitchenette or motel style room that comes complete with pillow top mattresses, 50 inch HDTVs, DVD players, free DVDs, great pool side room, Weber grills or they can save up and blow thousands of dollars on a cookie cutter condo that looks just like one of the other 499 located side by side, on top of one another that are so in vogue now. 

When you book with us you are supporting a veteran owned small business. In fact, we are the quintessential small business owner husband/wife duo offering unparalleled quality lodging at an affordable price. We will continue to offer great rooms at a phenomenal price for as long as we are owners at Hunter’s Friend. If you are truly looking to support small business – book direct with us and create lifetime memories with reasonable rates.


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At Table Rock Lake – When It Rains It Pours – Literally Fri, 29 May 2020 15:03:59 +0000 The post At Table Rock Lake – When It Rains It Pours – Literally appeared first on Hunters Friend Resort.


As if we didn’t have enough to deal with. 2020 is turning into one for the record books. We start off the year with Covid 19, then they shut down Silver Dollar City and now we are facing record floods.

Yesterday the Corp of Engineers shut down the boat launch at Indian Point Marina. With lake levels exploding upwards (pool level of 931 feet and rising as of 29 May, 2020) we just have to shake our heads and ask “God? Is there anything else? If so, can we spread it out a little more?”

With our resort, we go as the lake and Silver Dollar City goes. Yesterday, the governor extended out the phase 1 reopening until the 15th of June, 2020. While this doesn’t really affect us one way or another (since the park is still closed) we can only go along for the ride and observe. 

But, closing the marina at Indian Point is actually a pretty big deal. Not only will it cause us problems for the foreseeable future with families looking to escape to the lake, it also impacts us for fishing tournaments. Just yesterday we had a cancellation for the Big BassTour that was scheduled for the first week of June. This event was originally scheduled to happen in April, then pushed back to June. Now, it has been rescheduled for  30 Oct – 1 November, 2020. 

Always trying to have a backup in place, we did speak to Jim Daly at White Wing Resort and he will help us to get our customers into the water. PLEASE remember this gentleman and his business. Very few direct competitors will help when situations arise – but Jim and his wife Laura are the exception. We always try to reciprocate when possible, but it always seems Jim comes through more for us than the other way around. 

We will do everything we can to offer you the best possible vacation with the least amount of stress for 2020. Give us a call and tell us how we may be able to help you and your family have fun this summer. We ALWAYS appreciate your business – but this year could really use the assist. 

All the best and God Bless to all.

Hunter’s Friend Resort
417 338 2849

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When will Silver Dollar City Park open? Wed, 13 May 2020 14:56:01 +0000 As the coronavirus evolves, so does the opening date for Silver Dollar City.

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As everyone knows, the original opening date for Silver Dollar City was the 17th of March, 2020 which coincided with the spring break timeframe. Then coronavirus happened….

Disney immediately came out and closed all of their parks – then smaller parks followed suit. At the time, it seemed like the prudent thing to do because no one truly understood how serious this could be or would be.

As things developed over time, the management of SDC pushed opening out until the 28th of April, 2020 only to be trumped by the governor of Missouri who closed the state until the 15th of May, 2020. As this pandemic continued to evolve over time so did the timelines for opening.

Up until 2 days ago, it was believed that SDC would open on the 1st of June, 2020 and that was a “go” date for all of us. Then yesterday someone pointed out that the calendar on SDC’s website no longer shows anything happening in the park until the 1st of July, 2020. 

Obviously, there is great concern on the part of SDC to minimize cross contamination – people sitting on rides, walking and brushing past one another, sitting in confined spaces for music shows and so on. We likewise are concerned and took the steps necessary to protect our guests as best we can here at the resort by purchasing a schedule N disinfecting system  

So – as of this moment – we have no other reason to believe the park will be open before the 1st of July, 2020. If anything changes, we will most certainly update and pass along the information to everyone. 

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Spread out and protect yourself Tue, 12 May 2020 19:55:48 +0000 Planning a vacation can be stressful enough. Don’t add to it by staying in a cramped space. America is returning to normal and you now have some important considerations to make for the safety of your family. Obviously, one of the most important decisions will be “Where will you stay?” A hotel with nice crampy […]

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Planning a vacation can be stressful enough. Don’t add to it by staying in a cramped space.

America is returning to normal and you now have some important considerations to make for the safety of your family. Obviously, one of the most important decisions will be “Where will you stay?” A hotel with nice crampy quarters, hallways, rubbing shoulders, pushing shared elevator buttons,,,, or… a wide open exterior door resort? To us the solution is pretty obvious.

Imagine being on vacation with your family and friends, sharing space with you and 300 “friends”. Are they practicing social distancing? Why are 8 of them piling into an elevator with you? With a hotel you get nice, close quarters, shared hallways, shared elevators, community dining (assuming they provide breakfast) and shared luggage racks. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a massive outbreak because of confined spaces.

Our guests on the other hand enjoy 100% exterior doors, straight in access from their car to their rooms (or condos) individual kitchens and tons of exterior space to keep you much safer. Armed with the knowledge that we were virtually the ONLY resort in Branson to invest in an electrostatic sprayer to disinfect every room and condo between stays, your only worries are “Do we grill or order delivery?”

Our condos are much the same. Depart your car and walk right into your condo with no worries of cross contamination.

From there you can head right out to the lake on your boat – go fishing – or rent a jet ski for the day.

Our pools have LARGE decks allowing everyone plenty of space and no overcrowding. Coronavirus cannot survive in chlorinated water so the threat is removed from there as well. We want you and need you to feel 100% safe on vacation. Consider our resort when you are ready to book a place to stay that is both affordable and safe.

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We take your safety serious. Tue, 12 May 2020 03:28:10 +0000 Travel, finances, eating. Don't you have enough to worry about without the stress of wondering if the place you reserved has disinfected? If you would have booked with us, you would have removed that stress.

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Rely on our protection to keep you and your family safe on vacation.

The coronavirus has presented many challenges across the United States, impacting every business and profession in unique ways – ours included. During the time of mandatory shut down we used our time to investigate safe methods of reopening and what was working for other similar large scale industries. Clearly, the method that was the hands down winner was a method using electrostatic disinfecting.

Electrostatic spraying involves creating positive charged particles to adhere tighter to surfaces all around. In the case of a door knob, it does not just spray the contact surface, it also “wraps” around the backside and into the crevices. Same for faucets, remote controls, door pulls, etc. It is the #1 method currently used by airlines, schools, manufacturing, etc. The process has been used for years in painting with the common knowledge term “powder coating”. Recently, technology has now brought this electronic marvel to the hospitality sector and we are proud to provide this as a service to our guests.

Because we jumped in on this so quickly, we were able to procure one for ourselves in the anticipation of a market shortage. Sure enough, the same system we paid $1500 for now is sold out and being sold on eBay for $5 – 9,000. Waiting on backlogs puts delivery sometime out in Sept or Oct. 2020.

Our guests can relax knowing that we were ahead of the curve and took immediate steps to protect them as well as our staff. If you are debating on where to stay for your vacation – make sure you ask the hotel/motel/resort “What do you use to decontaminate your rooms in between stays?” If they simply tell you they wipe down surfaces with Lysol or some other method do yourself a favor, hang up and call us. If a business is not willing to invest in your safety – do you really want to stay with them and put your family at risk?

Additionally, you may hear other comforting solutions given as an answer and we will now show you why those are not sufficient.
Starting with the ozone machine.

ozone machines are not effective against the coronavirus

Will an Ozone Generator protect us from COVID-19?

No, do not use ozone generators in occupied spaces. When used at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone applied to indoor air does not effectively remove viruses, bacteria, mold, or other biological pollutants. Combine this with the fact that ozone in concentration can be dangerous to humans. They are handy for removing cigarette smoke, fish fryer smell, etc. but beyond that they are fairly useless when used for viruses.

UV machines have not been proven to kill coronavirus

What about UVC?

At this point in time (11 May 2020) there is no evidence that UVC will kill Covid 19 although it is strongly believed to do so as it is effective against other coronaviruses. Having said that, here is what is known. It is horribly dangerous to human skin and can pose a great danger to personnel not familiar in the safe handling of using it. According to the BBC:

In a recent study – which looked at whether UVC could be used to disinfect PPE – the authors found that, while it is possible to kill the virus this way, in one experiment it needed the highest exposure out of hundreds of viruses that have been looked at so far. The amount of ultraviolet required varied widely, depending on factors such as the shape and type of material the virus was on.  

“UVC is really nasty stuff – you shouldn’t be exposed to it,” says Arnold. “It can take hours to get sunburn from UVB, but with UVC it takes seconds. If your eyes are exposed… you know that gritty feeling you get if you look at the sun? It’s like that times 10, just after a few seconds.”

We are so committed to our guests safety and to the success of our business, we did not hesitate to purchase an electrostatic disinfector.

When combined with an FDA certified N type disinfectant the kill rate for coronavirus is less than 5 seconds. It is inert and safe for all guests and pets, harmless to fabrics and surfaces and does what it is supposed to do. Kill the coronavirus.

So when you are deciding on where to book your next vacation ask yourself a simple question. “Do I want to take a chance on making my family sick on our next trip or do we want to stay some place where they put the customers and their staff first?”

Hunter’s Friend is the obvious choice. Call us at 800 338 2842 to book your next stress free vacation.

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Affordable Places To Stay In Branson For Thanksgiving 2019 Sun, 17 Nov 2019 18:06:05 +0000 The post Affordable Places To Stay In Branson For Thanksgiving 2019 appeared first on Hunters Friend Resort.


With Thanksgiving fast approaching, travelers looking for a perfect place to stay need to book at Hunter’s Friend in Branson, Missouri. Located on Indian Point just 2 miles south of Silver Dollar City, Hunter’s Friend takes the dread out of getting in and out of the park and fighting the traffic. 

Historically, Thanksgiving is one of the worst travel days getting into and out of the park. Guests at Hunter’s Friend face none of that as they have quick and easy access into the parking lots coming up from the south. If Black Friday is your thing, the WalMart in Branson West, Missouri is only 10 minutes away and saves you from battling 1000s of other shoppers who go to the other WalMart located over on Highway 65. 

Almost all rooms at Hunter’s Friend give the vacationer the ability to cook and serve meals in their rooms. For guests who have no interest in cooking and simply need a place to sleep, consider renting a standard room for the very affordable price of only $65 a night plus tax. As with every other room, you will still have a 50 inch television, DVD player, pillow top mattress, full sized bathroom and much more. You can even select from the enormous FREE DVD library located in the office.

So book now for your stay in Branson over Thanksgiving and enjoy your holidays without the stress of traffic.

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Time Traveler At Silver Dollar City Wed, 06 Feb 2019 18:02:54 +0000 The post Time Traveler At Silver Dollar City appeared first on Hunters Friend Resort.


We live just 2 miles away from Silver Dollar City and interact with the park quite a bit throughout the year. In the 16 years we have been here, nothing has generated the buzz and anticipation that Silver Dollar City’s newest attraction – Time Traveler – has. And has the wait been worth it.

Both of our kids are quite fearless when it comes to roller coasters. The bigger, the faster, the better. Naturally, going on the newest ride was a given. When we arrived, the lines for the ride weren’t too bad. The park always does well at moving the crowds through quickly and today was exemplary. 

Time Traveler hails itself as “The fastest, steepest, and tallest” spinning coaster on the planet. What that really translates to is “This is going to be fun!” 

Riders come right out of the barn into a 10 story vertical drop and somewhere along the way, a catch releases that allows the carriages to rotate (like a tilt a wheel). So you already have the fear of a typical roller coaster, but now you increase the intensity of the fright factor by allowing free flow turning seats.

30 minutes passed and now it was time for my kids to give it a go and off they went. I didn’t get to put a stopwatch to it, but the total duration of the ride was somewhere in the area of 2 minutes – respectable. The imprint of pure fear on my kids’ face afterwards lasted far longer. Disembarking from the ride, they were almost in a zombie trance for the next 30 minutes and declared it was the single most terrifying ride they had ever been on. Asking them if they were interested in riding it again brought an immediate “NO!” and they meant it. (Money well spent)

I congratulate the team at SDC on a job well done. You have truly made a masterpiece and I cannot see how it will not continue for decades to come to be a park favorite for future generations.

Then came a nice unexpected surprise, Thunderation….


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Fritz Adventure In Branson Tue, 05 Feb 2019 13:23:15 +0000 The post Fritz Adventure In Branson appeared first on Hunters Friend Resort.


Branson has been going through major changes in the recent years. Once a capital of country music shows, Branson now has become a tourist attraction that offers more than just a musical entertainment.

One of the places that just opened in the city is a place called Fritz Adventure. A 80,000 square feet indoor attraction has anything from climbing walls, stairs, ziplining, crawling through underground tunnels and gigantic slides.

The attraction can be a great family entertainment if you are into physical activity. By the time, you and your children are done playing in this massive playground, you are wiped out. You would believe that you have done a 1 week worth of exercises. The good thing is it’s more fun than exercising!

The Fritz Adventure also has a cafeteria on the second floor where you can hang out if you don’t feel like climbing, crawling, or run around. You can just relax and watch your children go in and out of little caves, containers, tunnels etc.

Having a new attraction like this in Branson is especially nice because we never anything like this in town before and it’s perfect spot to hang out in cold Branson days

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